A journal of art + literature engaging with nature, culture, the environment & ecology


Kendrick Loo, Singapore


The things you see are real, but they are not a complete seeing. 

—Frederick Lenz



To listen past the cicadas

is to hear the unseen. How

the tree lies supine, singing

its ode to the life it led. How

its return to the earth after

emerging in upwards ascent

is done with practiced kindness.

Look how the moss blankets

it in final rest. Listen to the birds

sing of years given to cradling

nest after nest. The air is scented

with loam, herald of smaller life.

So calmly the forest goes about

the tree, lush and wild. Rocking

the tree to its roots, as if it was

becoming the forest once more.





Kendrick Loo is an English & Management undergraduate studying at the University of St Andrews. Born in Singapore, his poetry is interested in interrogating family, masculinity, and the natural world. His writing has been published in Tayo Literary, Empty Mirror, and L'Ephemere Review, amongst others. When he is not busy with his dissertation on environmental fantasy, he can be found tweeting at @stagpoetics

Editor's Preface

Editor's Preface

From August to September