A journal of art + literature engaging with nature, culture, the environment & ecology

Amethyst Mountains

Jade Riordan, Ireland-Canada


My childhood was the kind, hoarfrost-

blossomed idea          of mountains: 

all amethyst collecting and avalanches                      

of love and love and love. 


I draw the lavender     curtains like snow 

parts the forever-hug of the horizon. 

My thoughts peek and peak sun-ward 

through the prismed glass. And I day-

dream the sky’s haloed elevation, distant

mountains tall as an embrace of wind 



The open window overlooks an inheritance 

of quartz, February     violets, the chiming 

exhale of this season. Like a snow angel-

laden avalanche, I have sculpted gemstones, 

birthstones from my memories. 


O, I have the loveliest Everest of an idea

for tomorrow. 



Jade Riordan is an Irish-Canadian poet living north of Canada's 60th parallel but south of the territory's polar bears. She is a volunteer selection committee member (poetry reader) with Bywords. Her poetry has appeared or is forthcoming in The Blue Nib, Contemporary Verse 2, Cordite Poetry Review, The Miracle Monocle, Slippage Lit, takahē, and elsewhere.



Our City’s Children